Prime Minister Narendra Modi successfully completed Mann Ki Baat 100 Episodes Yesterday Sunday, 30 April. Special preparations had been made to make this 100th episode historic. This episode was broadcasted live in 4 lakh centers across the country. Various social organizations, civil society, and other organizations from across the country ran this program of ‘Mann Ki Baat’ in large numbers. Even overseas Indians around the world listened to this 100th episode of the Prime Minister’s ‘Mann Ki Baat’. For me, this God-like public is like a plate of Prasad at the feet of Janardan. It has become a spiritual journey in my mind. It is a journey from ego to self.”
UN To Broadcast on Mann Ki Baat 100th Episode
As per the sources The 100th episode of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s monthly radio program ‘Mann Ki Baat’ will be screened at the United Nations. “Get ready for a historic moment as the 100th episode of PM Modi’s ”Mann Ki Baat” is set to go live on April 30th in Trusteeship Council Chamber at @UN HQ!” The statement was made online in a reply to the UN by the Permanent Mission of India.
Bollywood Celebs at the Celebrational Event
Big Bollywood celebs like Legendary Madhuri Dixit, Shahid Kapoor, and Aamir Khan increased the face of the event by their presence add to that they even praised the PMO for acknowledging the work of common and presenting it to the world.
Mann Ki Baat Celebrations all over India and Chandigarh
The Citywise screening of the event was organized by NGOs and social workers. One such event was organized in Arya Samaj Mandir, Sector 7, Chandigarh by Rohan Bhardwaj, General Secretary, Youth Wing, Environment Society of India, and Harminder Singh, A social activist. The event marketed the presence of the Former Senior Deputy Mayor and “Current Councilor from Ward 2”, Maheshinder Singh Sidhu. He praised the 100th episode of Mann ki Baat and also the way he connected to everyone.
At the event, local residents, people for the market, and The Former Senior Deputy Mayor Heera Negi were also present.