Punjab Congress President Navjot Singh has returned to work and has also gone on a fast to Lakhimpur in Uttar Pradesh for activism in the party. Now the party has also given him the time of October 14 to make his point. Along with organizational issues in the state, he will be able to put his point before the central leaders on other subjects. Punjab in-charge Harish Rawat told that on the evening of 14, President Navjot Singh Sidhu has been called to the Congress headquarters. The meeting is to be held in the presence of General Secretary Organization KC Venugopal and Rawat. The issues related to the organization will be discussed in the meeting.

Navjot Sidhu had suddenly resigned a few days after Charanjit Channi took over. He left the post out of anger over administrative appointments and not being listened to in the government. Angered by this move of Sidhu, the high command did not even try to persuade him and handed over this responsibility to CM Channi. According to insiders, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi were very angry with Sidhu. However, later Sidhu agreed after meeting CM Channi and is currently the party chief. But he had bought the displeasure of the high command in the whole matter. After this, he became active again in the Lakhimpur Kheri case.

On the birth anniversary of Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi and former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, Punjab Congress President Navjot Sidhu tweeted in his own style. Sidhu wrote that whether there is any post or not, I will always stand by Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi. No matter how much negative forces try to beat me, but with positive forces Punjab will win, Punjabiyat will win and every Punjabi will win.


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