In the famous Ranjit Singh murder case, the Panchkula special court of CBI will sentence 5 convicts including Deramukhi Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh on Tuesday. For this, except Ram Rahim, four other convicts have been presented in the court. At the same time, Ram Rahim is being produced in the court through video conferencing. Haryana Police is fully alert about the decision. Security has been increased especially in Panchkula.

Considering the sensitivity of the matter, the intelligence system is also fully active in Panchkula. Panchkula Deputy Commissioner of Police Mohit Handa has also implemented Section-144 in the district. Senior officers of the police and administrative level are also keeping an eye on this. In this regard, instructions have been given to the police chiefs of all the districts to be vigilant including keeping an eye on the situation.

Let us inform that on Monday, the intelligence department of the state kept gathering inputs regarding the security arrangements throughout the day. Two companies have been deployed around Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa. The Panchkula court complex has been completely converted into a cantonment. Along with this, the security of the judges’ houses has also been increased. Police claim that there are adequate arrangements to maintain law and order in the state.

Special watch on vehicles coming from outside borders

The administration is leaving no stone unturned for the security arrangements as the Panchkula special court is likely to pronounce its verdict today. The administration is afraid that there should be no violence like last time. Therefore, security has been increased at all the Nakas entering Panchkula from the borders of Panchkula. All incoming and outgoing vehicles are being thoroughly checked. For this, along with additional police force, CISF and intelligence agencies have also been deployed.

On 10 July 2002, Ranjit Singh of Kurukshetra, who was a member of the management committee of Dera Sacha Sauda, ​​was shot dead. Dera management suspected that Ranjit Singh had written an anonymous letter of sexual abuse of Sadhvi from his sister. Dissatisfied with the police investigation, Jagsir Singh, son of Ranjit Singh, filed a petition in the High Court in January 2003, demanding a CBI probe. The High Court handed over the investigation of the case to the CBI after ruling in favor of the son. While investigating the matter, CBI registered a case against 5 people including Ram Rahim. Though initially the Dera chief was not named in the case but after handing over the probe to the CBI in 2003, the Dera chief’s name was involved in the murder in 2006 based on the statement of Ram Rahim’s driver Khatta Singh. In 2007, the court framed the charges against the accused.


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