After getting the approval on Triple Talak Bill in the Lok Sabha, there was a fierce ruckus in the Rajya Sabha today and has been postponed till 11 o’clock in the morning.

Ravi Shankar Prasad presented this bill in the Rajya Sabha today. He said that this is a historic bill and told the people that Justice Khair had also given his green signal for the bill. He said that Koregaon issue is being raised so that the triple talak bill can not be presented and even after getting the bill passed in the Lok Sabha.

Arun Jaitley said that the Congress is breaking old traditions that is why they supported the bill in the Lok Sabha and opposing it in the Rajya Sabha. He said that any amendment should be told before told 24 hours before. Meanwhile, Anand Sharma have also challenged to introduce a women reservation bill. Whilst Arun Jaitley said that the entire Nation was watching that Congress had supported the bill in the Lok Sabha and in this house they were trying to derail the bill.

Due to the majority of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, it will not be easy for the government to pass this bill so everybody’s eyes on this matter remains on the Congress. The government wants that the Rajya Sabha should also pass the bill just like it has passed in the Lok Sabha so that it can be sent to the President for signing to make it a law immediately. While Congress is saying that they did not get any concrete assurance from the government but they would not pressure the House to send this bill to the Select Committee to make some amendments in it.

Several opposition parties including the Congress Party, Samajwadi Party, DMK are not fully opposing it, but they were saying that three years’ sentence in Triple Talaq cases is non-essential. This provision will complicate more than it will solve the case. This is a civil matter and it is not okay to make it a criminal.

Public “Muslim Women” are saying they do not know the complications in passing the bill but they need to have maintenance and relief aid from Husband at any cost. Also They are willing to get it on the basis of legal documentation instead of verbal statements. We also should have right to re marry another man after divorce, if willing to.


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