Vishwa Hindu Parishad Chandigarh minister Suresh Rana, VHP Chandigarh vice-president Davinder Sidhu, department convenor Sushil Pandey and social media in-charge Manoj Sharma demanded to file a case against “9-week WEB SERIES Patal Lok” starring Anushka Sharma to Chandigarh SSP.

VHP Media spokesperson

Conspiracy to degrade Indian culture has become a trend by so-called liberal people for a long time. It is evident that the such conspiracies over the years has suddenly increased . A recent example of this is the 9 week WEB SERIES “Patal Lok” starred by cricketer Virat Kohli’s wife and Anushka Sharma and producer Kernesh Sharma. The directors are Avinash Arun, Prostate Roy and writers of the film are Sudeep Sharma, Sagar Haveli, Hardik Mehta, Danit Chopra .

The movie has pornographical content, abuses and many things against the nationalism. In this, Hindus, Especially Brahmins, Nepalies, saffron colour and Sikhs have been insulted and abused with very wrong words. Many scenes like naming a bitch as “Savitri”, Mob liching proves that the film can create an atmosphere of chaos in the country. Even Sikhs has been insulted very badly. Add to that it is shown that gang from Chitrakoot who chants Jai Shree Ram” is killing others and are shown as goons. Everything is so disturbing

This entire web series “Patal Lok” has been perpetrated by vulgarity and insulting Sanatan society and Indian culture. Therefore, Vishwa Hindu Parishad requests UT SSP to take an action by registering an FIR against Anushka Sharma and her team for spreading obscenity and insulting Sanatan society and Indian culture. All this can spread chaos in society.


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