People especially women are feeling unsafe in Gurugram, because four real rape cases has been registered in 10 days.Recently, a woman was raped in front of her husband in Gurgaon. Though, criminals are arrested but still it is a shame for national harmony.

Gurugram is slowly becoming the capital of the rape of India. A title which was previously granted to Delhi. There is witnessing 10 cases of rape in Haryana in 10 days and every fourth case is there in Gurugram during the same period.

Recently, a 22-year-old woman was taken from her car and raped on the edge of the road in Sector 57. And while this was happening, the rapist’s friends kept her husband and her in-laws at gunpoint.

What happened?
Nirmala * and her husband had gone to a dinner in the village of Tighra at husband’s elder brother house. They arrived there around 7 p.m. At 9 pm, the couple decided to leave. As it was late, the victim’s brother-in-law offered to take them home in his car. There were a total of five people with the victim and his brother-in-law’s son was behind the wheel.

Nirmala and her husband lived in rented accommodation in South City 1. Fifteen minutes after their trip, the car crossed the 200-foot road behind Business Park Tower. At that time, the victim’s husband asked his nephew to stop the car, as he wanted to relieve himself. After he came down, the nephew also went out to drink water.

That’s when two cars stopped near them. There were two men in each car. They went down and asked why they had stopped their car there. The victim said they looked drunk. After her husband returned, he joined the conversation.

This is what the victim had said
“In a matter of minutes, it became a battle for everyone, when the men started hitting my husband and nephew.” I sat in my seat, when one of them saw me and dragged me out. He asked me to do it, leave me alone, but he ignored me and dragged me to the nearby bushes, where he turned around and raped me, “Nirmala said in an interview with the Times of India.

While all this was happening, the other men with the rapist fled in their cars, leaving him behind. The defendant ran past the road and hid behind some bushes. However, the victim’s husband managed to write down his car numbers.

After the incident, the husband called the police and filed a complaint. Thanks to the car numbers written down by the husband, the police managed to catch the four defendants on Monday.

They have been identified as Sanjeet (22), Dharmender (25), Deshbeer (23) and Pawan (26), residents of the village of Johlaka near Sohna.

The main defendant who raped the victim is Sanjeet, who is a water cistern provider. Apparently, he was very drunk while committing the crime.


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