In the death of Kanpur businessman Manish Gupta at Hotel Krishna Palace in Gorakhpur, the accused, accused Rahul Dubey and constable Prashant Kumar, have been arrested by the Gorakhpur police on Tuesday afternoon. Both had come to Gorakhpur to appear in the court. Police arrested both of them from Azad Chowk area and handed them over to SIT Kanpur. A reward of Rs one lakh each was announced by the Kanpur Police on both. The SIT is interrogating both till late evening.

According to the information, the accused named in the murder of businessman Gupta, Rahul Dubey and constable Prashant had come to Gorakhpur to appear in the court. Gorakhpur police was aware of this. So, SSP Dr. Vipin Tada laid siege and put up different teams.

Meanwhile, Cantt Inspector Sudhir Kumar Singh got information from the informer that the accused inspector and constable were present near Azad Chowk outpost. Both the vehicles were in the process of going to the court after catching them. As soon as the information was received, Cantt Inspector Sudhir Singh, Ramgarhtal Inspector Sushil Kumar Shukla and Phalmandi outpost in-charge Shesh Kumar Shukla reached and caught both the accused.

He was directly taken to Ramgarhtal police station. Also, information about the arrest was given to Kanpur SIT in-charge and ACP Anand Prakash Tiwari. On information, the SIT reached the Ramgarhtal police station and the inquiry was going on from 2:30 pm till late evening. Arrested Rahul Dubey is a resident of Mishra Pacher village of Kotwali countryside of Mirzapur, while Prashant Kumar is a resident of Bhataula village of Saidpur police station area of ​​Ghazipur.

It is being told that both the killers were going to surrender in the court. The SIT and the police have been conducting raids continuously for the last 15 days. Still Vijay Yadav and chief constable Kamlesh Yadav are away from the grip of the police. Let us inform that all these accused had a reward of one lakh rupees each. The accused Inspector Jagat Narayan Singh and Inspector Akshay Mishra have been arrested late on Sunday evening. Four accused in this case have been arrested, while two are still absconding.

Businessman Manish Gupta, resident of Barra, Kanpur, had come to Gorakhpur on the morning of September 27 at eight o’clock with his two friends Harveer and Pradeep. All three were staying in room number 512 of Hotel Krishna Palace located in the planetarium. On the night of September 27, Inspector Jagat Narayan Singh, in-charge of Ramgarhtal police station, Akshay Mishra, who was in charge of Falamandi outpost, and six policemen reached the hotel after midnight for checking. When Manish objected to the search of the room, he got into an argument with the policemen.

It is alleged that he was beaten up by the policemen, which led to his death. Initially, the death was told by the police due to falling intoxication, but later a case of murder was registered. In the post-mortem report, several injury marks were found on Manish’s body. On the complaint of Manish’s wife Meenakshi, the police registered a case of murder against three named and three unknowns, after which the family members left for Kanpur with the dead body.


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