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Chandigarh vegetables and fruits rate list :- Here is the list of vegetables and fruits for Sunday , see what is the price


Chandigarh: These days markets are opening for a short time due to Corona infection . Retail rates of vegetables and Fruits have started increasing . Market committee Chandigarh has issued a rate list of fruits and vegetables on Sunday . The rates fixed by the committee will be applicable inContinue Reading

Chandigarh Youth Congress members begged outside Sector-16 hospital with a bowl : Matter regarding vaccination of 18 to 44 years


Today begging for vaccine was held outside the government hospital in Sector-16 by holding a bowl by the members of Chandigarh Youth Congress,Youth Congress members were holding bowls in their hands and were demanding the administration to vaccinate people between the ages of 18 and 44 without registration. The membersContinue Reading

WhatsApp Image 2021 06 03 At 4.37.18 PM

Protest: Youth Congress protest against Ramdev’s comments outside Patanjali store on Wednesday


Chandigarh : Youth Congress leaders protested outside the Patanjali store in Sector-23 on Wednesday. They raised slogans against Baba Ramdev with banners in their hands. Youth Congress leaders Manoj Lubana, Parikshit Rana, Preeti, Navdeep Singh, Karanvir Singh etc. were present on this occasion. Manoj Lubana, President Chandigarh Youth Congress saidContinue Reading

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Commendable Initiative :- provide free education , housing and financial assistance to children orphaned by corona


After many states , now Chandigarh administration is also making a Working plan for the children orphaned due to Corona .For this , the polices of various States are being studied by the social welfare department and then a policy will be prepared according to the city . Administration VPContinue Reading

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Haryana :- For the sake of Justice , the existing laws will be reformed , act law commission set up


Haryana government is going to improve and amend it’s present . To further improve the system , the government has constituted the haryana state second law commission . The commission will review the currently applicable laws and enact new rational laws so that the people get Justice quickly . TheContinue Reading