A doctor’s mobile phone was stolen last night at PGI Chandigarh. Whose complaint was given by the doctor to the PGI police post. On the basis of suspicion, three sanitation workers were caught and interrogated by the police. The police caught the three and took them to the police station, where they were brutally beaten up. Meanwhile, the mobile was found from the bag of the doctor Ritvi and the nurse Sonal who had lodged a report with the police.

Sanjeev Kanojia of PGI Employees Union said that the police picked up two sanitation workers and an attendant at 10 pm and beat them till late in the night. After getting the mobile said, go, you are not a thief. The rear part of the body of the employees has got red marks due to hitting the sticks. That is why the wrong actions of the police and the doctor are being protested and the police post is being cordoned off.

On behalf of the employees, the police have been accused that they have been beaten up badly. Due to the beating, there are marks of batons on the body behind the waist of the employees. In protest against the whole matter, on Sunday morning, the employees blocked outside the cardiac department and raised slogans. When DSP and PRO Ramgopal were talked about in this matter, they said that they are not aware of the matter yet.

The victims were identified as Virendra, Rahul and Chinki. Virendra Kumar told that he lives with his entire family in Sector-25. Who was on duty with his companions as usual. Late in the night, Dr Ratvi and nurse Sonal informed the police that the mobile phone was stolen, which was also found in the bag.

But in such a long time the police caught them and took them away. Then in the outpost, SI Balveer and constable Kuldeep continuously beat up the three till one o’clock. Later all three were told that you are not a thief, you can go, if needed, will be called again. Due to this attitude of the police and doctors, there was a ruckus in the PGI. However, no work was disrupted in the hospital due to this uproar.


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