It is raining heavily in Himachal Pradesh on Thursday amid Yellow Alert. Landslides have occurred at several places on the Kalka-Shimla four lane, although the traffic has not been affected. Fourlane Company’s machines are restoring the road for traffic by removing the debris and stones on the road. Farmers in Palamupar are worried due to incessant rains. Here the crop is ripe and ready. Farmers are worried about crop damage due to rain.

It is raining in Kullu and Lahaul-Spiti for four days. It has been raining across the district since Wednesday night. While the higher peaks including Baralacha, Rohtang Pass have received snow. The weather has become quite cold after the rain and snowfall on the mountains. The harvesting of apple and pomegranate has been affected due to the rain since Thursday morning. At the same time, many connectivity roads have turned into swamps. Along with this, grass cutting has also stopped due to bad weather.

Lahaul-Spiti Police has asked drivers carrying essential goods on the Manali-Leh road to exercise caution after snowfall on the hills. Deputy Commissioner Ashutosh Garg has appealed to tourists and people to stay away from rivers and streams in view of the increased water level in Beas and tributaries.

The high hills of Kinnaur district have received fresh snowfall. At the same time, rain is continuing in the lower areas of the district, Outer Siraj and Upper Shimla. The rain is forecast to continue in the state till September 26. The Meteorological Center Shimla has issued a yellow alert for heavy rains in Shimla, Solan and Sirmaur on Thursday.


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