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Chandigarh weather forecast : Periodic cloud and rainfall observed for today 15th August 2021


Today in Chandigarh everyone will see periodic clouds and rain during day and night. The day will be rainy. Till evening everyone will see lighting and rainfall. Temperature observed for today minimum 28°C and maximum 36°C.Humidity – 100%Sun rise at 05:37 AMSunset at 07:20 PM Wherever you go, no matterContinue Reading

Shreya CGC Jhanjeri

CGC Jhanjeri tied up with Dietitian Shreya


Dietitian Shreya’s parent company Healthviser Pvt. Ltd. has signed MoU with CGC Jhanjeri as Educational Partner for Internship & Practical Exposure of Students. Jhanjeri, Mohali. Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Jhanjeri yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Healthviser Pvt. Ltd. with the aim to provide the required practical exposure andContinue Reading

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Student leader Gurlal Brar murder case: Main shooter Chamkaur singh a.k.a Beant has brought to Chandigarh !


In the murder case of student leader Gurlal Brar in Chandigarh in the year 2020, the Industrial Area Police Station has brought gangster Davinder Bambiha Group’s main shooter Beant from Bathinda on production warrant. The police claim that the accused can make big disclosures during interrogation. Police suspect that ChamkaurContinue Reading