Health Benefits Of Holy Basil (TULSI)


In our country, basil is a very holy plant.Basil is found in every house.It is worshiped as a goddess. Along with religious importance, it is also important in health. Basil is used in Ayurveda to make many medicines from eras. Basil content much antioxidant property and it is worked asContinue Reading

Benefits of turmeric by Neeraj Madhuria


Those people drink daily turmeric water this will happen in their body The biological name of turmeric is Curcuma longa.It is a queen of species.The main characteristics of turmeric are aroma, strong flavor and it is golden in color.In all over world, people use turmeric in kitchen It contains mainlyContinue Reading

Know Secrets of Diabetes from Neeraj Madhuria


Diabetes also called diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus –It is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia, glycosuria, hyperlipemia, negative nitrogen balance and sometimes ketonemia. A widespread pathological change is thickening of capillary basement membrane, increase in vessel wall matrix and cellular proliferation resulting in vascular complications like lumen narrowing, early atherosclerosis,Continue Reading